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Come with us.

Luke and I are moving to Kansas City. Hear more here and jump on supporting us as we continue to go wherever the Lord is leading us, family in tow. Much love!



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YOUR CONTRIBUTION TRULY BLESSES US AND FORCEFULLY ADVANCES THE KINGDOM. Thank you for believing in God and believing in us. We step out in faith as Christians, never thinking better of ourselves than any one person, but considering people's needs and long to meet them like Paul ("all things to all people") with the talent and faith that God has given us. We believe and pray for you too in this way -- 'that you may abound in every good work'! Our heart is simple: we want to see the lost come to Jesus. Currently, we are in an AirBNB near Kansas City, Missouri, in the home of a seventy-plus year-old Spirit-filled Christian couple who are full of God's presence and pouring out still in their lives. It is a true testimony to the faithfulness of God. Plus, they have so many stories of how God has prospered them in business, especially that of photography and being around some of the biggest names in the corporate and entertainment world. Praise God for believers